I frequently encounter abandoned glass bottles in inexplicable corners, like within the green belts encircling roundabouts or atop towering walls. Empty and forsaken, their labels have long faded, losing their original identity. No one knows from whence they came or how they ended up discarded in these places. They resemble dandelions in the urban jungle, silently appearing and disappearing without a trace. During the process of creating this series of works, I experienced a long-forgotten sense of freedom. I gathered stones and branches from the forest, sculpting them in clay to form various shapes and textures. The severed "frames" within the artwork resemble the original state of the glass bottles, with boundaries and constraints. Yet, the shattered glass fragments, recycled and reborn, extend outward, preserving the traces of their fractures while intertwining with one another. Like plants that grow freely upon the earth, they thrive, unrestrained and unrestricted.
Recycled glass bottle, glass marble, rock, recycled optical fiber, tea
photo credit: Puffer Hu